Friday, February 06, 2004

Welcome to
Hello, I am blogging from my newly-repaired laptop. I've had it since 2000, used, for my 1 1/2-year career as an insurance agent. Without property and auto insurance, and even adding mutual funds and financial planning services, I found life insurance alone is tough. Then, when my husband sold his business, I had to take on something with a salary.
It's nice to have my own computer again, and not to have to wait, or have others wait for me. I will try to avoid installing the Sims. It was the only time I ever obsessesd over a computer game. But it was made for moms. You get people off to school/work, make them attend to their personal hygene, make them eat, sleep and clean up after themselves...If you play the game long and well enough, you can even get them promoted at work and/or marry them off!

What I hate about coming home is calling out, "I'm home!" and getting a weak little greeting from Hubster, glued to one of the three computers in the house. However, he worked on the drivers of this machine to get me online today, so,
Thank You , Dear.
Now that we have a dog again, I feel SO much better coming home. Nobody greets you like a dog. This one's a neutered male, 8 years old. He is the devoted and spoiled former pet of my former client who has moved to a senior's residence. Like a person, he has his favorite spot on the couch, likes to eat while on the sofa, and whines if the TV's not on. His favorite show is WWF wrestling, just like the cute little old lady who was his former owner. Talk about sublimation!

Got an email from my son in India. Three sentances, four? "See you in a month!" Like, that's enough news for you, Mom. No more news for you.
I didn't raise my boy to be a news-nazi.

I've got the weekend off!! I'm getting a haircut tomorrow. I'll bring my friend the student stylist that drafting chair I originally got for my oldest son's drafting table. The poor girl was hurt in a car accident, and this chair, though not a proper barber chair, may help her to avoid some strain and bending. I will be on the look out for a real (used) salon chair for her so that she can work from home in comfort.

This thought brings up an uncomfortable truth about myself. I am struggling with a huge surge of acquisitiveness. Did I write about the Art-Deco bedroom set, and the 70's seven-foot sofa, his & hers chairs and ottoman? Perhaps I didn't mention the sixteen sweaters I have bought for myself and the men in my life this winter. I am giving up unneccesary unrequested acquisititions for Lent, no matter how tempting, and will attempt to organize the essential and declutter our home.

I saw a TV show lately where a carpenter, a decorator and an organizer transformed a breathtakingly cluttered home by listening to the family about what was important to them, emptying the rooms and closets, and making the hard decisions of what stays and what goes, together. Then they had a yard sale, and the show's decorator and carpenter made the rooms work better for them with colour, storage and floorplan.
What a difference!
Where do I sign up?
They should do a 90 day followup, though.

Old habits die hard.


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