Sunday, July 25, 2004

The Human Clock - A Photo for Every Minute of the Day

Tempus Fugit
That's Latin for "Time Flies".
I just got back from the lake. It was great. So beautiful. Birdsong in big liquid trills refreshing the jaded ear of an aging urbanite. Lots of weeds gone, by the wheelbarrowfull, heh, heh...
My big fat highlight was getting stung by a bee!
I'm supposed to carry an epi-pen, but I never expected a bee. I don't bother them, and they don't bother me.
Until today.
Nobody expects bees or the Spanish Inquisition. It had crawled under my RED t-shirt, and I cupped my hand over it when I felt it crawling. Shoulda swatted it hard, but I don't like to kill anything I can't see. It stung me, I shook it out onto a blanket, and folded the blanket over it to crush the critter. I have the bee in a hanky. Funeral later tonight.
I'm ding-dang allergic to bees, wasps, horse- and deer-flies so I had to take a antihistamene PDQ, as well as a painkiller and relaxant. Mom gave me a cold compress because I was flushed and feverish. After a short snooze into the cool of the evening, I woke up fine.
Read some more about Princess Diana. She and Charles were married the same year Ron and I were. On our old street, some of the neighbours thought of us as their own Royal couple. True story, they told me this!
I was always out doing good works, and Ron was always out working. To the public eye, he didn't show a lot of affection. We never seemed to have time together. At times, our marriage was in trouble. I never knew until later just how much.
However, we have an advantage on the Royals. We are still alive and together. It will be 23 years in November.

Yoshi is making sushi for us tonight. There is also a farewell party for a couple from church. He is going back to Bible College in the US, and while there, she is going to babysit her adorable grandkids.

Our second son emails to tell us that maybe he will not go to College this fall. He is hoping to get on as full-time staff at the Bible Camp where he is working this summer. I hope he will at least submit the app. in case he is not selected to work there.

Saw "I, Robot" last night. The computer has the same name as yours truly. Went to Romance Street for a snack, listened to music.
I want to dance, he doesn't.
We look at each other as if from Venus, from Mars.
Which we are.
I MUST find a way to get dancing back into my life!!!

Read "Bridget Jone's Diary" yesterday. Somewhat resembles my blog!!!!
Funny, trashy, but exactly what the compromised mind of a modern woman approaching her "best before" date can be. Full of cautionary tales!
Women, take warning! This could be YOU!
I haven't seen the movie yet. If you've been reading my blog, you know I usually read the book first, and sometimes after, I see the movie.

Supper is ready.


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