Sunday, November 02, 2003

Welcome to
Friday afternoon off, Saturday off, Sunday off!
On Halloween, my youngest son went out trick or treating dresses as a bum, with a re-labled wine bottle that read "Vodka!". He and his friend filled their sacks. When I was a , we yelled "Halloween Apples!". In fact, we got quite a few really nice mackintosh apples. Moms often made pie and applesauce in the early days of November from the Halloween apples until someone started to spoil it by putting things like pins. poison and razor blades into the fruit. Now the "Treats" almost exclusively candy.

Our boy is the Sleepover king - he had a boy over on Oct. 31, and then stayed at another boy's place on Nov. 1. And, he says, "I pull all-nighters!" How lovely!!!
Yesterday I was in a beautiful lakeside town for a Ladies Day Away. I enjoyed a hike, some great food and pleasant fellowship. The room we met in had a fabulous view, and lifted our spirits with floods of natural sunlight. There was a fruitwood grand piano, and someone who really knew how to play it. It was great just to be one of the s, and I felt a level of acceptance that I've been longing for. I gave one of the women I know a ridethere and back. It was good to be with her and to talk like a regular person, about Christmas plans and such, and not have to be a "church lady". We thought we were a bit late, but we arrived "just in time".
My brother dropped in with his friend. She is not yet back to fiancee status, but it looks likely.
My mom went to the opera. We have opera here, usually two productions per year. All the performing arts are at risk these days because booze and butt (distillery and tobacco) monies are no longer allowed for arts sponsorship/patronage in Canada.
Because it's "sin money"!
It also heavily taxed!
What would our government do without it?
I spent some time with my oldest boy today. I bought him some needful things. Also, I had to talk to him about something that was on my mind. In church two weeks ago, a speaker related the story of a father who kept telling his son not to grow too big. It was all in jest, but the boy actually stopped growing. This shows the power of a parent's words in a child's life. Once the father realized he was inhibiting his son, he told him, "I release you to your full height,". The boy began to grow again. When my oldest son was rebellious to us, his teachers and other s in his life, I told him that if he did not learn to accept direction from teachers and parents, he would have a hard time with his bosses. He has matured more since then, and the time came for him to get a job. He couldn't get one!! When this came to mind, I release him in prayer, repenting of judging him, and inhibiting his potential.
This Friday, he got a job interview and was hired!
I had to tell him about it.

There is a lot that goes on in the invisible world that has visible effects.


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