Thursday, November 06, 2003

Welcome to
I am on the eve of a day off, with physio tommorrow for my sore, aching body.
Saw the Matrix, Revolutions last night with hubster and my second and third sons.
Shocking violence. Messiah themes. Stunning visuals.


This is a rare occurence, and I hope you give it the required recognition.
Calender dates have been circled to mark similar incidents in the distant past.

The audience was loaded with big fat Canadians noisily munching on theatre chow.
Our obese youth of the nation.
It's hard not to remember Max Headroom and the other "human battery", exploding couch potatoes.
My guys are NOT fat, but I am matronly.
A car commecial played 12 times before the movie started, rap music meets Carmen, but we HAD to get there early to get good seats.
Our sons were soooo disappointed when we could not find four seats together.

Mom's Rap

This is what being a parent is for.
Give allowances, mop da floor.
Buy the tix, feed the face,
but stay
Yeah, stay,
outta their space.


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