Saturday, August 14, 2004 How to Find an Ex-Boyfriend

Do I want to find my ex-boyfriends? Sometimes, some of them come looking for me.

I am not looking for a boyfriend, though. I am looking for a husband, a really good man.

When I look at my husband, do I see a HUSBAND?

My husband does not treat me like I expect to be treated as a wife.
Instead of involving me in his decisions, discussing them, praying together and coming to an agreement together, he gives me a series of announcements, kind of like the 11 o'clock news, of things that have already happened, that I can do NOTHING about.

Since he is deeply in debt due to several decisions he made against my advice, I feel very uncomfortable with the secretive way he is behaving.

That, and all those email adresses.

He e-talked to his brother about the laptop computer he is buying, instead of with me.

What does his brother care? He is not liable!

His brother once recommended for Hub to shop at Harry Rosen, a high-end clothier, for a certain job interview.
Probably he meant, just for a tie.
Hub bought a complete outfit. It was beautiful. The socks were $32 a pair.

With taxes, Hub's outfit cost just under $1K. The clothing was tailored and so was unreturnable. He used a credit card, since he didn't have that kind of money saved.
When I found out, aghast, he told me that, if he got the job, I could go out and spend a lot of money, too.

He didn't get the job.

The interviewer did say he looked great, though.

It took a long time to pay off the credit card. We had a very skimpy Christmas for our little sons. We had to consolidate.

Where we live, husband and wife share liability for debts incurred in either's name, together.

I am on the hook for his debts, without even knowing for how much, unless he deigns tells me!

This is the man who said that buying a gorgeous red running Karmann Ghia coupe (my dream car)for $2K would be an extravagance, a waste of money. Okay, yes, I would have had to learn how to drive Standard...

But for this car, I would learn how to drive, all over again.

Plus, the car had a story! It was bought new in the 60's to be the honeymoon getaway car for a cute young couple. The bride wore a cute little Jackie Kennedy hat with a veil!

Plus, it was MY TURN.

This is the man who owns a $1K suit that hasn't fit or been in style for years, which hangs unseen and unsung in the closet.

This from the guy who goes to visit his sisters, goes to visit his brother, goes whitewater rafting, while I stay home and work to subsidize his spending. Yes, I did go to Quebec and B.C.with him, but I helped to pay.

I'm tired of being the responsible person who takes the prudent view, who thinks of others, who gets stuck with so much of the crap and so very little fun.

It's time for my turn, for a lot of things.

Including a husband who makes me a part of his decisions, who takes turns.

Instead of one who mostly takes.


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