Tuesday, October 26, 2004


If this site comes up intact, then you'll see an offer to fly return to Amsterdam for a four-night stay.

What would you do in Amsterdam?

That I could read with filters on?

I would want to stay longer than four days. I would also want to travel by train and bicycle around Europe.

Gentle Reader(s), why don't you tell me about your travel experiences?
I'd love to hear about your best & worst.

Hub and I are still on for our Anniversary trip to certain mineral springs in Saskatchewan.

Further to my last Blog, where I described our most recent fight...
I am thinking hard about the counsellor's advice.

I know I initially dissed it, but it's been on my mind all day for two days.

What do I gain from freaking out when Hub googles other females?
I have to watch that I don't give myself a heart attack.
Is the aggravation worth it?
Can I handle it differently?

What does he get, if anything, out of my freaking out?
He knows I always will find this kind of stuff, and ask about it.
Certainly, he sees that I care about the relationship.
Perhaps too much.
Does this assure him of my committment, or turn him on?
Considering two words: Passive Aggression.

If I did not check the computer, or didn't confront him if I did find something bad, would we be happier?
I MIGHT be happier - Ignorance is bliss. He would be out of my fire, but also alone with the problem, and the eventual consequences. But now that I know it's been a problem, how can I pretend it isn't there, wasn't there, or that it may come back?
Should I care if he looks, or what he looks at? If I care about his soul, I should.
I feel VERY strongly against sin - and I don't feel right or holy permitting or enabling it.
I have already concluded in the last blog that I can't keep him from THINKING about other females.
Heck, I concluded this YEEEEARS ago!
But it's WRONG to take these interests out from his fantasy into trackable reality

Would my ignoring this behavior make it an non-issue, or encourage him to go nuts on the 'net?
His behavior has been described to me as appearing compulsive. Think of a compulsive thief or liar. Do they cure their condition themselves if everyone ignores it? I don't think so! No-one has ever done well by putting Yogi Bear in charge of the picnic baskets. No lunch, plus a fat, dangerous bear!


I will TRY not to freak out if I see evidence of bad things happening.
It's bad for me, and I don't have to go crazy over this stuff.
But I will talk about it.
With Hub.
And just for the record, with the counsellor.


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