Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Welcome to

I didn't write about massage class yet.

It was the reason I had to leave before the pie and custards were baked yesterday.

My husband has a herniated disk in his spine, and I have regular strain on my neck and shoulders from work.
I saw a course on Masage for Couples and Caregivers and thought, "Here we go! Maybe we can help each other."
The first class was yesterday. I thought it was quite good. The instructor is a petite blond woman who is unafraid to get up on chairs to get leverage! We learned about the history of massage, and what we can expect from our course, and we learned to do chair massage on each other.
It's kind of romantic. I saw two smooches and observed one whispered promise that made the promisee's ear turn bright, bright red.
The instructor advised Ron to ice his spine after massage to prevent inflamation, and found my trapezius very hard and tight.

Today, I had physio, at last. At first, my appointment was cancelled, but I called them and reminded them how long I'd been waiting, and they got me in with another therapist. He was impressed with my flexibility and range of motion, although it was clear that I was in pain. Keeping my clients moving is what has helped me keep moving. When he saw how hard and tight my neck and shoulders were, and how much pain I was in, he showed great compassion and consideration. When he applied pressure to the knots of muscle at the base of my skull, it hurt A LOT, but it did release the tightness, and slowly my terrible headache began ebbing away. After that I went to see the Dr., who found my muscles tighter than they were the first visit. This is partially because I went off the relaxants for 24 hrs before seeing the therapist, so they could assess the actual extent of my injury. Partially because I have been working with an injury. He gave me a referral for footcare because of the heavy callouses that have developed on my heels, the balls of my feet and my big toes.
He suffers from callouses, too, so he gave me some really good tips from his personal experience.

I made Three-Rices and Chicken with Oriental Vegs with the 17 year old for supper. I also served the pumpkin custard!

I read what my husband blogged about my oldest son and I. If I am such an emotional, embarrassing person, why do I have a good, loving relationship with my two other sons? I had a strong drive to leave my parents when I was a teenager. I believe it is part of growing up. Dad and Mom seemed foolish to me then, but now that I have been a parent, I see that they were only doing the best they could.

I called for Dad today. Spoke with my brother. All is well.

I emailed my cousin who is getting married. His wedding is part of the reason Mom is overseas.

I emailed the Prime Minister about the bill which would allow same-sex marriages with my point of view. I think redefining marriage is a mistake. Through all of written, oral and pictoral history, it's always been man/woman. Why should a temporal government attempt to change something so time-honoured?

Nor does it make economic sense. By including non-man/woman unions in government benefits, it will become too expensive to last, because these unions presently do not produce as many new taxpayers as hetero unions, which are needed to sustain the benefits. Adopting does not create new taxpayers - it only renames existing children. What methods will be used to create the neccesary new children? Will they be viable, productive taxpaying citizens or cloned "Dollys", destined to adult afflictions from birth and a premature death?

This bill threatens to change children and taxpayers themselves into a kind of commodity.

Immediatly, this benefits will produce terrible pressures on the tax base, because most of the homo couples are older (soon to collect benefits) and childless (haven't replaced themselves with new taxpayers). Insurance premiums will also have to rise, because of a new influx of risk, which will have to be spread out among all insured persons. It isn't legal to discriminate against homo lifestyle, though it may be proven to incur more risk of mental and physical disease and early death. Our only hope to bear the costs will be to attract immigrants, and what sort of immigrants will we attract? People of all creeds who don't approve of Canadian moral conditions will not have to deliver speeches from a soapbox. Some citizens will move away and some immigrants will not move in, and the ones who remain will work on changing the laws.

Bad goverment cannot stand the test of time.
Governments who don't trust their people, don't keep power.

Machiavelli knew that.


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