Sunday, November 23, 2003

Sunday, November 23, 2003
diary of a very angry housewife ΒΆ 7:11 PM
Chemist's Art Gallery
Science can be beautiful.
That's because of the heart of the Designer.

We had our 22nd anniversary at a lovely B&B on the Assiniboine river. The hosts should be listed among the ammenities, they were such a blessing.
We walked around and ate out like we did when we were , like before we were responsible (broke) parents.

It was a very nice change.

Meanwhile, back at work this past week, the flu has struck.
I find lots of clients, their families and even our middle son, have been affected.
I'm okay myself, although I have mucked out a few messes.
Thank God for the flu shot!

I had a union meeting this past week. It reminded me of a lot of other committees I've been on. I will do my best to be a good steward.

I made a donation at church, and then an auto insurance payment cheque for the Neon went through that wasn't supposed to, causing the donation to bounce. Yes, we are playing that close to the wire.
The amount was in excess of the usual by the tithe on the wages hubbie ought to be getting if he were regularly employed, as an experiment in prophetic giving.
Even though it bounced. it wasn't a total failure.
I re-gave the usual amount for my wages in cash, and in that week hubster received payment from three sources for side jobs he'd done.

What he gives is up to him.

My MIL and FIL took us out for dinner on Friday, only a week after our actual anniversary. It was difficult to get everyone out there, as it takes an hour, but we managed. We were seven people, and six dishes were ordered. MIL's choice, as she was paying. I was left without a choice, but that seems to be okay in the mennonite ure of female self-effacement.


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