Sunday, August 22, 2004

MSN Encarta - Quiz - Geographic Extremes%3A How Well Do You Know the World%3F
Here is a site on extremes.

I was extremely angry when I found out about Hub's removal of his wedding ring.
And for how long he kept it off.
And where he kept it.

Makes me kind of wonder what was going on when he decided to take it off.
Was it drive-through, "Dear"?
Or pick-up?

The best revenge is living well.
So I will.

Where was I last time we had a nice, long Blog, O Gentle Reader?

Oh, yes...

I was becoming more "interesting" to the boy-next-to-next-door.
When I went to Elementary School, I veered off to the right from my house.
But when I went to High School, I walked in front of his place.
To the left.

I was tall and thin. Tallest in my class for years.
I was a runner. Track & Field. Cross-Country.
I wore my hair 70's style. Long and straight, sometimes a barrel-curl.
Glasses. Yeah. Some pimples, too. I thought I was sooo ugly.
But someone was noticing me.

In grade 8, I found myself a circle of friends like me, learned to dress and put on make-up right, and started to feel like I was fitting in.
In grade 9, it was like someone sprayed on me with neon paint that only boys could see.

"Here she is!"
"Whisper into her ear!"
"Whisper into her phone!"
"Hug her, Kiss her, Squeeze her!"

But before all that ruckus, I was flattered to be noticed.

One summer day that year, I was playing Badminton on the street with my friend.
The Watcher sat on his front steps for a better view.
As we hit the bird harder, our "court" grew bigger.
To the left.

Did we two s, in our little halter tops, play to attract his attention? Did we rush up and down and jump for the bird to catch his eye?


On one hit, the bird got stuck in the elm branches overhead. When I tried to knock the bird down with my racquet, the racquet got stuck, too.

Oh, no!


But, wait!

The watcher sprang into action, gallantly hurling a corn-broom into the treetops and releasing the errant birdie and racquet!

Well, we thanked him, introductions all around, and we asked him to join us.


This University man: Dept. of Civil Engineering, second year, a Safeway clerk (good money!) and the owner of a brown Duster, (front bench seat) YES, this man of means played badminton, however briefly, with us.

And after, when my friend was a little way off, he asked me if I wanted to out to a movie, or something, sometime.

And that, my friend, is how it all got started...

It's funny, but you become imprinted with your first love.
Although we never made love, we loved each other.
I still get a rush if I catch the scent of his brand of cologne, the sound of his voice.
We did some simple sensual things for each other that still stand as my benchmark for pleasures.

But he didn't want to marry or have kids just then, and I did.
So, I found someone who said they wanted what I wanted.
I believed him and I married him.

My old boyfriend visited our town not too long ago.
He found me, somehow.
Called me up on the phone.
Would I come and see him?

NOT seeing him was the hardest thing I never did.

But I stayed away for the sake of my Hub.
Who has kept his wedding ring in the car ashtray for a month.
"One of us has made a serious mistake here, and has wasted the valuable time of the other person."
Which one of us?


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