Saturday, July 03, 2004

English Pronunciation Practice for ESL EFL TOEFL TESOL TESL learners - stress-timed and Intonation patterns in English

I am finished with my work for the day, and I'm looking for helpful sites for our ESL people. In a few hours, Hubster and I will be picking up our latest Homestay student from the airport.

I'm taking a quick shower because I smell like tobacco. I visited a chain-smoking client and fixed him a week's worth of batchelor-chow. One look in the fridge and freezer and I could see that his diet had little variety, so I blew his socks off by suggesting that we workers could ROTATE RECEIPES!!! As a smoker with a chronic health condition, he needs good nutrition.
Well, he likes Shepherd's Pie, so that's what I'll make him a batch of, next time.

My oldest son has made Banana Bread, and is playing Settlers of Catan with my youngest son and his two friends. My Husbie is happy to learn that his med is now made in a generic form, saving us $10 per perscription. The house smells very welcoming. I hope our student will be happy here.

I'm making a sign with our student's name so that we can find each other at the airport. I'm wearing a black outfit with a pretty floral silk blouse for flutter.

I'm feeling so nostalgic lately! I'm thinking about my old steady boyfriend (five years and chaste, though chased), my first kiss, my graduation, the assorted flash-flame boyfriends, my old jobs... Being with another Wolseley on Canada Day only made it stronger.
Oooooh! I got so , so silly, so REAL with her. What usually takes years became instant intimacy, heart to heart.

I'm feeling so romantic lately, too! I'm trying to compose poetry in French, German and Spanish, as well as trying to translate favorite love song lyrics. I have begun a translation of Kiss Mein French, and it rhymes! I'm so hungry to hear the languages of love, to be caressed with words and to speak words of love and courage myself. Something is changing, some sweet influence is making ripples in our staid little pond.

"Wake" me, dreamboat!


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