Wednesday, March 17, 2004

TechTV | Spying on Spouses

Today is my day off. My back was sore after bathing a really large client - lots of far reaching. I got a letter from WCB telling me what to do if my injuries start acting up again, but I'm trying to stick to heat, rest and excercise.

Hubs has been working on my computer again, a laptop Compaq from the mid-90's, recently repaired. He has linked it to "Betsy" upstairs. This is so that I can access the printer and save my mail. However, I never requested these services. I think he wants to check me out because of the old love letters. Do you think he'll start spying on me? I didn't have to go to extraordinary lenghths to find out about HIM. Intelligence and persistance are my only tools.

Hubs has found a newly opened bakery, and brought home some goodies, cranberry lemon scones, along with a bunch of tulips. Nice red and gold in colour, I have them in a vase in the Living Room. Thank You, Husband.

Watching movies:
Save the Last Dance, about a white teen transfered from suburbia by a reversal of fortune into a black ghetto. A wannabe ballerina, she learns of Hip Hop from a black wannabe Dr.
It's a predictable formula movie, with some touches of grit. Evely Hart gets a reference. I enjoyed it mostly for the footwork. I wish I could do that! The music lyrics made me ashamed for youth culture.

The Shipping News Okay, I broke down and rented it again. Nothing like the book-on-tape. Really well done, though. I wanted the book, but couldn't find it in the library among the paperback disposa-books, nor was a hard cover copy checked in.

Richard III This is the newer movie, set in the British 30's. The dark side of Gandalf. Machiavelli would be impressed, but he stressed that a "prince" should reign longer if loved. However, he added that if one couln't be loved, one should be sure to be feared. Exactly!

I am thinking about doing a study of letters: Letters from Home, Love Letters, Letters from Away. I am thinking about writing a book of my letters, like the Griffin and Sabine books.

Stamps are up to 49 cents each where I live, PLUS tax. I've got a whole armful of letters from when it was 17 cents to mail a letter. Do you think letter-writing will die if it becomes too expensive? There is talk of charging for email too, as a way to kill spam.
The internet and the information highway used to be free. Should it remain so? I always felt it should. Information should not be a have-have not area.
Just as with free public education, we need to keep free access to public information.
For everybody.
Sure, this makes us vulnerable in some ways, but the alternative is 1984, is Brave New World, is Fahrenheit 451.

Think. -IBM


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