Monday, May 03, 2004
Here is a link to Balance TV. I watch this show every Thursday with a 90+ year-old client.
The Hurried Woman Syndrome is featured.
I am a hurried woman.
I am back to working two jobs.
I got paid a huge cheque for working a week that included a raise and killer overtime on Easter Sunday and Monday, and in half a day of paying bills and getting groceries, it is ALL gone.
I am not kidding.
Nothing left.
My husband has been offered a job on Friday, but wanted to wait for a promised call from another company today.
As of now, still no call.
Will he take the Friday offer, or keep looking?
Take the offer take the offer take the offer TAKE THE OFFER!!!
And keep looking, dear, of course, dear, if you like.
I am turning 45 tomorrow and my employer has just offered me a pension plan!
Matching contributions!
Whoo- Hoo, make me feel like a real Geezer-ette. Only 20 more years to go to retirement, unless something else turns up.
My oldest son has moved back home, temporarily.
My sewing machine is out of the closet, the hussie, and is working again.
I am reading Threads magazine again.
I want to watch "The Saddest Music in the World" on my birthday.
It would be strangely apt.
It's a quirky movie about a sad-music contest sponsored by a beer heiress made by a local movie-making-man.
What was the working title?
"Crying in my Beer"?
I almost saw a glimpse of Robin Williams at the Forks on Sunday. He's in town making a movie. No offense to anyone, but my husbie who actually SAW and identified him said he looked much older than one might expect.
Must have been make-up.
If I had seen him, I might have offered to tell him my Dad's best Winnipeg joke.

How Winnipeg got it's Name

Even back in the old pioneer days, people around here have been raising funds for the arts and what-not.
When the first Europeans started coming through on their Red River carts and York boats, they were greeted by enterprising aboriginals who were raffling a great big pig they had gotten somehow, raising some money for their pow-wow.
"Win a Pig!", they called with a prairie-to-portage yell. "Win a pig!"
Well, the name just stuck, and it's been Win-a-peg, ever since.

I have had to hear this joke at least twenty times to date. I hope I get to hear it at least that many times more.
Mom and Dad just had their birthdays, and they are feeling their years.

Come to think of it, so am I.


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