Thursday, October 02, 2003

Welcome to

Today was a full day. My youngest son is making dinner. Spaghetti and meat cylinders & gravey from a can. Then we are going to help the new youth pastor & his young family to move into their new home. They have been staying with another couple from church, and I am sure that with two active little boys, they will be happy to have their own space. I know just how they feel, having had three active little boys, who, each in their turn, pretty nearly stopped my heart !
Now they are three BIG boys, near, nearing or at hood.
It goes by fast.
Is it possible for new parents to think of that when it's bedtime, or when the kids are fighting, or when they are being the cutest little dickenses ever seen?

God bless them in their new home.

We are picking up two of the younger members of our group on the way. One is a beauty school student, and I have made an appointment for her to retouch my colour and cut my hair.
She thinks I'm brave, but I know she can do it. When I was a teen, I remember standing in front of my mirror after getting an expensive haircut and washing all the goo out. The goo was all that held the shape of the style together, I learned. This was before Vidal Sasson and his precision cuts. As I stood there, with water and tears streaming off me, I thought I could never leave the house again!
I've survived.
I've even had worse haircuts.
In the late 90's, a student got frisky and gave me a SHORT razor cut.
Yes, I had split ends for quite a while. Once the actual hair started growing back on my SHAVED BALD nape again!
I have survived, and I am nothing if not willing to try new stuff from time to time.

Tomorrow is a long run. Then I get the weekend off. I will get groceries, see my Dad, maybe visit the InLaws. Seniors do not always feel like cooking, but prepared foods are often bad for them, or unappealing. Maybe once a month we can do a cook-off together, and freeze homecooked foods.

Husband is home. It is nice for him to be working. Did I mention that after years of fighting over having the boys in french Immersion, he is now taking - Guess What??? - FRENCH!!! in the hopes of a government job. In Canada, we have two official languages, and the other one is English.

Mais absolutement!


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