Friday, March 12, 2004 | catalog

I did a Goggle search on the words "letters from old boyfriends", because that's what I am looking at today.
I am doing a spring cleaning, and I found my old Who I Am box, the report cards, resumes, portfolios of art and study, travel journals and the letters. Perfect obituary reference.
The best thing about the letters is the affirmation that you were once important enough to someone that they committed themselves to saying so in writing, and then actually addressed, stamped and mailed their missive.
Where are my correspondents now?
I hardly ever get letters anymore, 'cept email.
Cause and effect, eh - I don't write anyone anymore.
CERTAINLY not paramours.
I was just at a funeral for someone who lived so large it is incredible to me, still, to think that they are gone.
I used to live large, (well, larger that now), and I want to leave an impression on the world that my life was not always the pitiful struggle it is now.
I wrote poetry that made men love me, write to me and cry!
I made prize-winning works of art!
I was a published author!
I have been both fortune's favorite and fortune's fool.

Well, haven't we all?

My hubbie just asked what I was doing with all my old letters.
I told him that I even had old LOVE letters, even one from him.
He is reading that one now.
He use to call me Honeybuns.
How sweet.
And sticky.

Although I have only this one posted letter, I have something from him that none of my old flames ever gave me -for keeps.



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