Saturday, March 06, 2004

Theremin Vox - An Interview with Leon Theremin

Here is an article on Leon Theremin; scientist, inventor, musician, possible political prisoner.
My youngest son did a Science-Fair project on him and his wonderful electronic invention, the Theramin. Think of old sci-fi movies and that eerie "wooo...WOOO...WOOO!" sound effect. The Beach Boys used an Electro Theramin on their tune "Good Vibrations".

My oldest son is coming back home to live, unless he finds a job. His other job faded away while he was in India. He is a good worker and is sure to find something.

I said something on Thursday to one of the s who had my family over for lunch last Sunday without me. I couldn't say much, because tears were so near. I didn't want to weep - didn't want her to feel bad.

All I seem to do is work and recover from work. My shoulder is sore and my Physio has run out. Everyone seems too busy for me, and I am pretty lonely.

Last night was "date night", but Hubbo didn't want to go out to see Hidalgo, my pick. Instead we rented a funny French film about a born loser who finds the of his dreams, (reading Flaubert, of course) and must battle the forces of the universe during the Soccer Championship Cup game. It seems that all of France rolls up the sidewalks to watch the big game, and that any kind of abberant behaviour can be expected, especially .

Like the Grey Cup in Canada, but not as cold.

Check out the costume party and the suicidal woman. There's no one like the French when they lose their calme. I guess that's why Jerry Lewis went over so well with them.
The title of this movie is Gregoire Moulin versus Mankind

I cooked today for the upcoming week. Three lasagnes and a big pan of Canneloni. I also shopped for groceries. I chose many foods for their favorable glycemic content. I bought Evening Primrose oil for my health. I also found some discount bakery treats for Sunday breakfast and for my guys for lunches and to snack on.

Did I already write about either Pilates or Belly Dancing classes with my Mom?

Classes start in April.


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