Saturday, September 11, 2004

Find a Therapist or Counsellor

Here is a site that offers ways of finding a counsellor, even online counselling!
Counselling is a great idea.
Who you choose for counsel is really important.
They should not have preconceived doctrines and ideas (or vitamin clubs!).
Your situation is unique, and deserves to be treated as such.
The counsellor should be experienced and have a positive track record of helping people to be better off than they were, together or apart.
Ask for referrences. Follow up.
At the end of the day, you, not the counsellor, are responsible for any decisions and actions you make.

Divorce is something I have been wondering about.
It is not always the first or best choice, especially when there are kids.
Divorce dosn't get your spouse out of your life.
You may actually have to spend more time communicating with them than before! Without the daily irritants, you may wonder why you are apart from that nice (now!) person!
That is why I've been hanging in there for my marriage so tenaciously.
Though there is a lot of bad, there still is good.
Breaking up also gives others in your sphere of influence who have been stuggling "permission" to give up trying and split.
That can hurt.
Sometimes, and this is what Hub and I are reaching for, what you need is a better "deal" from your spouse, like respect, communication, time for mutually enjoyable activities, etc. - and to get out of the circular patterns that feed fights.
We can't do this alone. We need help beyond ourselves!
I acknowledge my need for God's forgiveness for the bad attitude I have had, and the bad ways I treat Hub.
It was his choice to do the things he did, and not at all my fault, but how I reacted is my responsibility.
Hub and I are going to try listening to a tape series called "Fighting FOR your marriage". It's been recommended by good friends.
We see our counsellors again in a week and a half.


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