Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Yale- Cranial Nerve 10, pg. 1

Here is a link to Yale U's School of Medicine, and a description of the five fabulous funtions of the vagus nerve.

I promised news of how we are working to improve our marriage, Hubsy and I.
We have been assigned by our accountability couple, (whom we saw on Monday night, during a blackout, no less!)to go OUT on two dates this week.
One FUN one, and one serious one, where we may discuss no more than TWO issues.
Hub is being challenged on his re-remembering things with regrets, such as becoming a father.
Regret is the opposite of thankfulness.
It really takes control for what happens to us out of God's hands and into our own, retrospectively yet, which is impossible.
Because we do not know where the road will take us, how can we expect to HAVE known?
How can we go back?
Sorry, but I want to live a life sans regret. That puts accountability for everything that happens on God, the ONLY sovreign power, and responsability on my reactions to my circumstances on ME, the only person to whom that onus belongs.

I can't believe he has forgotten how pleased he was to have sons, how he enjoyed holding them and sensing their love, acceptance and need for him, how in love with our babies he was.
He never enjoyed anything as much in his life as being a father, once he saw that his fears the baby wasn't healthy were groundless.

Should I tell about my miscarriage today? I am running out of time, and it's a story that takes time to tell.

Next time, Dear Reader.


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