Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Christmas Stress Test

O Christmas Stress
Don't want that mess
No, I don't WANT no Christmas Stress.

Gentle Reader, I am taking steps to prevent it, BUT
I've got to take more classes before I can get into the RN program I've applied for. I don't know if I can do it all in one year without losing my mind and neglecting everyone and everything. I'll see what I can do...

I told you about the new student, right? From Chile, 33, etc.? We will put him in the Blue Room, and that leaves the Yellow Room (GOLD Room? Sunshine Room? Tropical Room? What should we call it?) for guests.

My MOL just phoned. She is giving me the gears because I work Christmas this year. She is giving me ANOTHER guilt trip that I am not "there" enough for my family. What do you think?

To increase the amount of time I spend with PEOPLE rather that pots and pans this holiday, I am just having a Coffee & Cookie Come&Go on Dec. 24, my day off, for friends, neighbours, my family and Hub's. Expect some storebought cookies among the home-made!

Since the MOL expected that I should be having the big Turkey Dinner and all the trimmings, but I'm not, she says SHE'S going to do it in Half-hour-out-of-townville, while I am working. Does my family really want to go without me? Why is she doing this? My Mom thinks the Come&Go is a great idea. It takes so much of the pressure off, and everyone has had too much to eat at a dozen other dinners by then anyway!

I wasn't planning on starving my family. I have a nice Turkey, a Pork Roast, a Beef Roast and I wanted to have a family meal for just US and maybe blessing a guest or two, on Dec. 25 after my work is finished, not the burdensome parade of excess and being-late-just-to-prove-how-important-and-busy-you-are-and-still-everyone-will-wait-for-you power plays that these dinners with family have become.

Hub finally went to see a Dr. at the walk-in clinic for that cough he's had for so darn long. First son also went in for a rash he's had for weeks. Why do these guys wait so long to take care of themselves? If Hub had gone in and nipped it in the bud as I advised him to, he wouldn't have spread it around so much (Now I have a sore, phlemmy throat, too, and Third son is looking peaky!), and it wouldn't have sapped him and I so much by disturbing our sleep. Oh, well. I will keep trying, keep plugging away!

Talk to you again soon!


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