Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Welcome to MSN.ca
Thanksgiving weekend was survived. I worked the entire three days. MIL cooked up a fine feast. Hubbies bro and son camped here because of allergies. His wife and daughter joined us for the meal, as well as her coz, a fine young man fighting Hodgekin's disease. My dad and bro came by in the evening. Special diet for dad - no turkey. Ron BBQ'ed two pieces of plain, unseasoned chicken. MIL and FIL slept here two nights, in our room. We moved back up to the big blue room. I keep my effects in three recycling boxes. Our oldest son slept on the sofa-bed.
While I was out working, my MIL rearranged my cutlery drawer.
"where's the spoons?!" I wailed, trying to make tea for hubbie, who takes sugar.
MIL nipped into our/their room and closed the door.
"Don't sweat it - she probably forgot...", whispered hubbie.
After living here for a MONTH?

Today my mother came back from Germany. I'm so glad that she arrived safely.
It was also massage class - the last one.
Instead of doing herbal wraps, we had a session on hydrotherapy theory and stretching, using the big bouncy pastel balls, rubber tubing, and illustrated books. I bought my husband some knee pads so that he could do floor massage without pain, or less pain at any rate.
No-one was ready for dinner when I got home, even though I was a little late due to buying the knee pads. The soup was still cooking. I was impatient to get going to the airport to see my mom, as I had discussed over the phone earlier. Hubbie complained that I had gotten home late, however I noticed that the soup wasn't ready even though I was late.

Could this be the beginnings of a fight?

I didn't and I still don't want to fight.

I just wanted to see my mom after almost six weeks.

He dropped me off and I ran to see her. I was the first one there as she waited for her luggage to come through and around.
Later, Dad and my bro appeared. Mom was in panic because she could not find her passport. I got her to the airline counter to get help. and then I had to go because hubbie was circling the block, thinking dark thoughts.

After massage class, I made Chai. Hubbie informed me that he was going to the credit union to ask for an extension of the line of credit. I asked him if he knew how much he needed, how much he was going to ask for.
He doesn't know.
I'm not a banker, but if I were, it would give me a good feeling if the person who wanted to borrow money from me knew how much they needed, and what for.
It's a joint account, which I started years ago. Hubbie is actually under my name, as I am the original account-holder.
I suggested adding up the bills, subtracting my pay, and any difference is the shortfall.

I sometimes feel concern for my/our credit rating.
Actually, I am concerned about our whole future.
I took responsibility for the mortgage payments from my personal account last week.
The room downstairs is still not rented.
Hubbie is still looking for a job.
I am working with two injuries.
How long can this continue?

God knows.


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