Friday, October 17, 2003

Welcome to
It's the end of my work week today.
YaaHOO, weekend!!
My younger bro's girlfriend stopped in - they are having a break from each other, and she wants him back.
Tearfully, she told me part of the story, until she got a committment from me to try to reach him, then she slammed down her trump - she's thinking about going back to her previous boyfriend, she has a ticket for tommorrow's flight outta here, and lil' bro had better get in touch with her before then, or else.
Talk about an ultimatum!
Just as I was asking her a few questions about what their life together was like, and what positive changes could be made, the inlaws walked up to be taken to the clinic for tests.
MIL doesn't like driving downtown herself, or maybe she just likes to be driven around.
I know I do.
She asked hubster, but he was going out and so shrugged it over to me.
(When they were done, they paged me FIVE times, as if I was lurking around the corner, waiting until the moment they were done. They paged before they got to the door I dropped them off at, from an office I didn't know they were in, from a phone which put me on auto-voicemail message when I called to locate them, and I spent 20 minutes trying to find them in the province's busiest hospital.)
Tragic, trying to look brave, lil' bro's GF said goodbye to me and the IL's and swept out the door and into those crazy roller-coaster rapids that make and break modern relationships.
I hope they'll both be OK.
Hubster and I had a mini-tiff. I found an old email from a Miss Puss in Boots, and another from a woman who wanted to know what he was wearing. When he replied, she said that she had sent the message, meant for HER husband, to him "by mistake". Hmmmmmm....
Also, our Cybersitter has been defeated again.
He found an old email to me from a fellow Mensa candidate, and put it in a "Friends?" folder he made to bug me.
This guy got my email from a Mensa mailout, and sent me an unsolicited message. I told hubbers about it when I got it, and made a polite answer to him that made clear mention of a clever, protective HUSBAND and three TEENAGED SONS, sure to make any Mensan with impure thoughts think twice about risking reduction to his high IQ. I also mentioned to the chief local Mensan that I got an email from this guy.
Strangely enough, he never bothered me again.
So, why should hubby bother me with it again?
When I asked, he didn't remember my telling him about it, my reply or my message to Mensa.
To refresh his memory, I emailed him copies of all the correspondence.

I also asked about Miss Puss in Boots.

What is this really about?

Is the cat out of the bag?

Did he make a pass at the Puss?

More next time, same cat-time, same cat-channel.

But know this.
I'm a bit of a sharp-clawed green-eyed monster myself.
I'll make cat's meat out of him if he did/does me wrong.


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