Friday, December 12, 2003

Syrotech Industries Ltd.
This is the outfit that has my laptop. It's an ancient HP Pentium I, with a swappable CD and diskette drive. The hard drive is shot, so they're going to replace it.
I believe in recycling.
Hubster says he finds them over-priced.

Monday, December 08, 2003

Make Anger Your Ally by Warren, Neil Clark - Parent Talk

Here is a book that adresses the positive potential of anger.
We of this household are fast approaching a time of choices.
I am angry about being thrust into this position.
I am unhappy about the choices that I will be forced to make.
Anger may provide me with the impetus to go on.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Kipling Society homepage
I just saw "The Man Who Would Be King" on DVD. I have enjoyed many of this author's works.

Monday, December 01, 2003

MSN Women - Article
Here is a sweet link. It's good advice from oldie-but-goodie folks.