Sunday, February 29, 2004

MSN Women - Article
This article is on 10 great places to meet a man.
I am feeling discouraged about the one I've got.
At least, the one I have legal provenance for.
It seems that he went out for lunch after church without even trying to reach me and CERTAINLY without trying to include me, with two twenty-something roommates (he has spent a lot of time with them before, and was warned that it was not appropriate) and our two younger boys. There has been a long-standing invitation for us to share a meal with them as a family, but Hubbaroonie chose to accept the invitation when I couldn't be there.
So, I came home to an empty house and ate lunch alone after my first split shift, HARD WORK, without any word from them about where they were.
Did I say I came home?
What home?
Why bother it consider this a home?
It is neither rest nor refuge.
I think I need a new start.
Email me to discuss it.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Here is an article on journaling, which is what I am doing electronically by posting my Blogs.
I have read the article My So-Called Blog, about the phenomenom of Blogging one's innermost thoughts on the internet where they might be read by curious strangers.
Why do we Bloggers do this?
I think we hope to find a release or a validation somewhere in the internet ether.
I know that hubster reads my blogs.
As you know from my archives, he even made a link to them called She Said on his website, without even mentioning it to me.
I think he hoped to embarrass me out of letting off my steam and telling it as I see it.
I didn't care. I just kept blogging.
My stuff didn't change, but his stuff did.
Zaphod Beeblebrox has left the virtual building.

Today was a feast, twice. Once at church and again in the country for a Faspa.
I got some really good visiting in.
I went to church early so as to plug in my crockpot and to find my time in the week to support my church in prayer.
I will try to keep it up every alternate Sunday. I have been challenged to find my time for this.
My second son came with me. If he wants, he could use the Toyota to drive some people to church once he drops me off.
Did I tell you about the .50 Easter dresses? I visited my local thrift store during a .50 tag sale and got several lovely $10 dresses suitable for Easter. We dropped them off in the bin today. I hope they make somebody happy.

During Faspa visiting, my MIL told me about the hard growing up years her father and her older sibs had when who was who and what you could be or do among their people was much more rigid. Rich cousins snubbed poor cousins, and church choir solos were given based on who was a person of consequence, not on who could sing.
Some of the bitterest things I have ever heard against the church, any demonimation, are the experiences of hypocracy and inequity by children.
I think it is because they instinctively know that, at church, if no-where else, they should be safe from that stuff.

They are right.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Discovery Health :: Three Tight Exercises
Did I mention that I excercise in a large class every week?
Dyna-Bands, hand weights, and I am trying steps.
Although I am tired after a long day (9:45 hrs), I have been working out for seven weeks now.
It's really starting to help, as I feel my back, legs and abs strenghthen.

I have been listening to Cities on the Plains, read by Brad Pitt, in the car. It's about a love story between an American cowboy and an epileptic Mexican who was sold at age 13 into a life of shame. Of course, it's a romantic tragedy. Brad does a great job with the all the voices.

I just watched a new movie, Northfork
On the surface, a surreal story about a town evacuating for a hydro dam, but really about God, faith, love and . It is loaded with unexpected visual images, sly puns and insider references. Check out the lunch scene!
The best part of the movie is the story of how it was made, in the DVD special features. The Polish brothers (really!) are very informative in their commentary, and sincere in their gratitude to everyone who helped them.
Their dad built several amazing buildings for the film, and deserves a medal. As a prairie born in Calgary, near the shadow of the foothills of the Rockies, I can relate to Montana.

I saw a friend today. After a talk, I came away with a few ideas about my restlessness and anger.
Sacrifice - what does the Bible say about it to me?
Why do I trust to myself to provide for my family? I know it should be God, but I don't act like it.
Why do I bear expectations on Ron? It doesn't really help us for me to look to him.
Why do I bear expectations on myself and from Ron?
What would my life be if Ron wasn't there? (My councillor asked me this one, too.)
Why do I let him distract me from my destiny? If he isn't agreeing with me, or helping me, is he part of my destiny?
Is it really a failed me, convieniently able to Blame Him?

In the end, am I alone responsible for myself, and what I eventually am?

Did you ever see the movie Gladiator? In his first fight in the circus, the lead character Maximus and the other "fresh meat" are each chained to a partner to fight armed and seasoned men. Some pairs used their chains to their advantage. One big man, chained to a frightened small man, had to drag his weight around until he chopped his partner's chain-end arm off. Sometimes marriage in tough times is like that - use your bonds or they are a burden.

Thursday, February 19, 2004 - Movie Reviews and Film Ratings from a Canadian Perspective!

I love movies. I remember when I first understood Dr. Zhivago as a virginal young teen.
A local video rental place offers catalogue VHS at 2 for $1.99 for a week on Tuesdays.
Sometimes it's hard to tell what to pick.
I liked the original Japanese movie "Shall we Dance?".
I also viewed "Jet Lag" recently. Julliette Binochet and Jean Reno fall in love in an airport in French with English subtitles.

Monday, February 16, 2004

Did you ever get correspondence from the Old Country, and wished to translate it yourself despite a growing forgetfullness of everything you ever learned? I am trying hard to revive my German skills and to keep my French skills. Although I have no accreditation, it is unbelievable how useful it is to be able to speak and understand salient words from another language. The gratitude of the one you communicate with can be awesome.

Here is a site to help a bit. There is another, Babelfish.

Husband's big interview didn't occur when expected. Maybe they got someone else, or thought he had something else, because little contact was kept up after the initial "we want to talk to you" call.

I am so tired. Money won't be appearing for days, and I'm running out. I am tempted to take on some extra work again on my days off.

Excercise classes are paying off in more strenghth, though I can't say I have more energy. I want to walk the dog more, but when I get home, I'm beat.

I am reading StarTrek novels to one of my clients, and tempting another one back into needlecrafts with eyelash yarn in her favorite colour and a K-Tel knitter. It looks like a cross between a crochet hook and a darning needle with a loop to carry the yarn and a tension ring to regulate the stitch. It is so much lighter and easier to hold than a pair of knitting needles. i also bring music and magazines to my clients from home and the Library to brighten their days.

I am listening to Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austin in my car as I travel, and CBC2 when I'm not. I listened to Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe , too. The secret is in the sauce!

Friday, February 13, 2004

Valentine Cards - Free E-Cards Online
I am about to send some FREE ecards to my loved ones for Valentine's Day. They're not Blue Mountain, but they're FREE.
I went out with my hubbie on our first date on February 14, 1981, and our first son was born on this date in 1985.
I have a box of Laura Secord chocolates (premium Canadian candy) and a funny book about love for my spouse. He promises to take me out for dinner and ???. Today is my day OFF. Physio was great, and my bad back muscle is hard, but no longer spastic.
My hours were short last pay period, which means a smaller cheque at the same time as I would like to commit to a higher level of giving to my church. Here's hoping for a BREAKTHROUGH.

Friday, February 06, 2004

Welcome to
Hello, I am blogging from my newly-repaired laptop. I've had it since 2000, used, for my 1 1/2-year career as an insurance agent. Without property and auto insurance, and even adding mutual funds and financial planning services, I found life insurance alone is tough. Then, when my husband sold his business, I had to take on something with a salary.
It's nice to have my own computer again, and not to have to wait, or have others wait for me. I will try to avoid installing the Sims. It was the only time I ever obsessesd over a computer game. But it was made for moms. You get people off to school/work, make them attend to their personal hygene, make them eat, sleep and clean up after themselves...If you play the game long and well enough, you can even get them promoted at work and/or marry them off!

What I hate about coming home is calling out, "I'm home!" and getting a weak little greeting from Hubster, glued to one of the three computers in the house. However, he worked on the drivers of this machine to get me online today, so,
Thank You , Dear.
Now that we have a dog again, I feel SO much better coming home. Nobody greets you like a dog. This one's a neutered male, 8 years old. He is the devoted and spoiled former pet of my former client who has moved to a senior's residence. Like a person, he has his favorite spot on the couch, likes to eat while on the sofa, and whines if the TV's not on. His favorite show is WWF wrestling, just like the cute little old lady who was his former owner. Talk about sublimation!

Got an email from my son in India. Three sentances, four? "See you in a month!" Like, that's enough news for you, Mom. No more news for you.
I didn't raise my boy to be a news-nazi.

I've got the weekend off!! I'm getting a haircut tomorrow. I'll bring my friend the student stylist that drafting chair I originally got for my oldest son's drafting table. The poor girl was hurt in a car accident, and this chair, though not a proper barber chair, may help her to avoid some strain and bending. I will be on the look out for a real (used) salon chair for her so that she can work from home in comfort.

This thought brings up an uncomfortable truth about myself. I am struggling with a huge surge of acquisitiveness. Did I write about the Art-Deco bedroom set, and the 70's seven-foot sofa, his & hers chairs and ottoman? Perhaps I didn't mention the sixteen sweaters I have bought for myself and the men in my life this winter. I am giving up unneccesary unrequested acquisititions for Lent, no matter how tempting, and will attempt to organize the essential and declutter our home.

I saw a TV show lately where a carpenter, a decorator and an organizer transformed a breathtakingly cluttered home by listening to the family about what was important to them, emptying the rooms and closets, and making the hard decisions of what stays and what goes, together. Then they had a yard sale, and the show's decorator and carpenter made the rooms work better for them with colour, storage and floorplan.
What a difference!
Where do I sign up?
They should do a 90 day followup, though.

Old habits die hard.