Thursday, September 30, 2004

CANOE Travel - My Travel Getaway Contest
Got a travel story? It could be worth a valuable trip.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Red River College - Online Catalogue

This is the course I wish to take. Applications accepted after October 1st.

The waiting list is long because so many people view it as their ticket to success. Nurses are respected and well-paid. However, the dropout rate is also large because people get tired of waiting.

I should have become a nurse back in the 70's when I first planned to, but, as the therapist said to the patient, "Woulda, coulda, shoulda-! Get over it! Fifty dollars, please."

Monday, September 27, 2004 I can dance if I want to!

Our Romance Dance class was FULL!!!

Wahh!! Wahh!!

Hubs says nothing, but is secretly relieved.

Here,(sniff, sniff!) Gentle Reader, is a funny site I used to dull the pain, (yes the pure pain !)of missing out on my long-anticipated, much-hoped-for, first-time-Hubs-had-EVER-agreed-to try-dancing Romance Dance class.

What am I going to do with that black velvet dress and those long satin gloves now?

Yes, yes...
I know.
Halloween IS coming.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) on Sympatico Powered by MediResource

Now that Autumn is officially upon us, O Gentle Reader, guard against SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder.
The right lighting can help fight off SAD. My kitchen is equipped with balanced spectrum lights, and it helps.

I have had a week of spa treats on my vacation week.
Hair touch-up and Chocolate Spa - books to read.

Eyelash tint & wax (Ouch!!!) - DVDs and VHS romantic movies.

Swimming, with spa tub and sauna, Aromatherapy - MORE romantic movies.

Salt scrub exfoliation and all-over aloe moisturizer - Bike ride.

2 Visits with friends, stretches, vegetarian dinner in an India restaurant, followed by Spiderman2 at the Imax. (It's SO much better at the Imax!)

Shopping for healthy foods and a super-sexy black stretch velvet long gown to go Romance Dancing, or maybe just Romancing, in. With the over-the-elbow white stretch satin gloves, of course!

Tonight is the sneak preview of "Shall we Dance" with Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez, shot mostly in my city.

I would love to see it.

C'mon, hubbaroonie!

Make a lady happy!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Today is the day of truth.

Hubs is being called on to decide the direction of his future.

Have you, Gentle Reader, ever had to make a difficult decision?

This site has apparently helped others, I have not tried it for myself.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Ta Da!
This is the NEW Rav4.
(When I erroniously pressed the shift key, I got Rav$. Yeah, um, that's about right... no error, actually)

I don't want new, can't afford new.

I want Granny's immaculate Rav4, driven only to Safeways on Seniors Discount Days.

Let's see what the market will bear...

More than Just a Slump

Who knew that being tired could be a sign of something serious? Most of us operate under a bsleep deficeit anyway.
Get sufficient rest, Gentle Reader, and then it will be clear whether there could be other problems.

I am getting some rest now that I'm on my vacation, and I have decided that I will give myself ONE home spa budget treat per day for the duration!
I will also do random acts of kindness for my guests, my sons and especially my spouse.
(I feel like I'm a Guide again, instead of the railing wailer you have come to know and possibly love!)

I also have an unfinished project that will weigh on me if I don't do it. It is meant to be a labour of love, and I must return to that love to find the inspiration, skill and energy to do it.

Yesterday, I indulged in a Chocolate Spa Day.
I soaked in the tub with my home spa jet, and ate 20 President's Choice chocolate chips, one melting moment at a time, while doing my crossword puzzle, reading my novel, soaking in lemon and rose-scented cold cream and touching up my roots with l'Oreal Preferrence Plus.

I read about the Lady Godiva spa package at a premium spa in town. Chocolate-raspberry soak, cocoa butter massage, chocolate moisturizer... MMmmmm... But, I can spoil myself better and LONGER for almost nothing!

I had fresh flowers and aromatherapy from that Scents of Time book I wrote about earlier. I tried something a little different with my hair... a wee bit darker for a shiny chocolate brown with a red chocolate overcast, and a long soak in conditioner.

Chicken curry for dinner and chocolate pudding and cookies for dessert.

Chocolate surprise for Hubsie. He was surprised... pleasantly!

Today I will run errands and get my eyelashes dyed at the local beauty school.

My tax refund is coming. I think it will be enough for a down payment on a Rav4, which I think will be the best thing to drive this coming winter, and the boys will think it's SO cool when they borrow it. It's the sort of thing I'd like my second son to drive when he's between Camp and the city.

The Toyota has passed 300,000 k! It's acting tired, and I'm hating the thought of facing winter driving THAT car.

Thankyou, faithful servant. Rust in Peace.

Monday, September 20, 2004

The 40ish Hangout

I have recently joined this great MSN group.
I couldn't figure out how to post for a while...
I was using the wrong email address - not the one I used when I first applied.
So I "listened and learned" for a while.
Are you 40ish?
Need to hang out with some nice people from all over the world?
You might enjoy this group.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Here's some food for thought, Gentle Reader:

(written after she found out she was dying from cancer).

"I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded.

I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.

I would have sat on the lawn with my grass stains.

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life.

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner." There would have been more "I love you's." More "I'm sorry's."

But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute...look at it and really see it .. live it .and never give it back. Stop sweating the small stuff.

Don't worry about who doesn't like you, who has more, or who's doing what.

Instead, let's cherish the relationships we have with those who do love us.

Let's think about what God HAS blessed us with. And what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally.

I hope you all have a blessed day."

One word.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Experiences - Outdoor - Horseback Riding

I'd love to go horseback riding. I am a western gal - the real thing, born in the shadow of the Alberta Foothills.
My grandfather was good with horses - he would buy well-bred horses cheap who were badly broken, or had vices, and re-break them properly. My own horse-whisperer.

I have some vacation days coming!
Although we can't be away together for the whole time, Hubs will take a long weekend off and we will go west.
I'm thinking of somewhere with HOT SPRINGS! We both can use a break.

We were at a wedding this weekend. Hubs was part of the wedding party, I helped in a small way with decorating the church. It was a lovely time. The bridal colours were autumn shades. Hubs rented a Lincoln Continental to chauffeur the bride and groom around for bridal pick-up, photo shoot, the wedding, and the reception.

Hearing the vows again made me cry - it's a shame ours were broken. Can something so broken be remade? I think of LOTR (Lord Of The Rings, which I read before it was fashionable) and Aragorn's sword.

"It has been - remade"

Monday, September 13, 2004

Welcome to Look at all the bachelors, don't wait propose today

Are you ready to laugh?
Check out this phoney site. It was almost banned for reverse chauvenism. It is scary just how much this resembles "real" internet match-up sites!

Don't forget the compatibilty test.

This should give the mated among us new and grateful regard for our present partners!

I mean, think, ladies, of what you're missing!

Sunday, September 12, 2004

PREP Inc. Home Page

Here is the home page of the team that put the tape series we're listening to.

Troubled marriages, according to what we've heard so far on the tapes, are often caused by communication problems that stem from insecurity and avoidance of both hidden and overt issues until they become an "event". (okay, the "Main Event": a down & dirty fight! POW!! WHAMMM!! SOCKO!!!)

Happier couple seem to be able to talk about and settle issues WITHOUT fighting dirty.

Couples like me and Hub can LEARN how to fight politely.

Marquise of Queensbury rules, here we come!

Check it out for yourself, Gentle Reader.

It can't hurt to learn NOT to hurt.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Find a Therapist or Counsellor

Here is a site that offers ways of finding a counsellor, even online counselling!
Counselling is a great idea.
Who you choose for counsel is really important.
They should not have preconceived doctrines and ideas (or vitamin clubs!).
Your situation is unique, and deserves to be treated as such.
The counsellor should be experienced and have a positive track record of helping people to be better off than they were, together or apart.
Ask for referrences. Follow up.
At the end of the day, you, not the counsellor, are responsible for any decisions and actions you make.

Divorce is something I have been wondering about.
It is not always the first or best choice, especially when there are kids.
Divorce dosn't get your spouse out of your life.
You may actually have to spend more time communicating with them than before! Without the daily irritants, you may wonder why you are apart from that nice (now!) person!
That is why I've been hanging in there for my marriage so tenaciously.
Though there is a lot of bad, there still is good.
Breaking up also gives others in your sphere of influence who have been stuggling "permission" to give up trying and split.
That can hurt.
Sometimes, and this is what Hub and I are reaching for, what you need is a better "deal" from your spouse, like respect, communication, time for mutually enjoyable activities, etc. - and to get out of the circular patterns that feed fights.
We can't do this alone. We need help beyond ourselves!
I acknowledge my need for God's forgiveness for the bad attitude I have had, and the bad ways I treat Hub.
It was his choice to do the things he did, and not at all my fault, but how I reacted is my responsibility.
Hub and I are going to try listening to a tape series called "Fighting FOR your marriage". It's been recommended by good friends.
We see our counsellors again in a week and a half.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Google Search: answerology

Were I live, O Gentle Reader, we get a internet zine called Canoe.
It's a little like MSN and Yahoo.

I can, Canoe?

This week it recommended as an anonymous place to pose relationship questions to a global community of men & women.

Ask Anything Anonymously
(Okay, a sucker I am for alitteration!)


Is wisdom found in numbers; specifically, numbers of possible (self-reported) men and women, who have time to devote to hours of poring over the queries of strangers, possible (self-reported) men and women with possible (self-reported) problems?
Without any credentials or accountability?
Why aren't they busy HAVING relationships instead of talking about them?
(Ahem! Is it possible that I am in this category m'self? Point to ponder!)
I still think real people with qualifications are the best source of counsel.
The content of the page was too hot for our CyberSitter, it wouldn't display.
I'm not sure if I would want it to!

Update about the state of our union.
Together, our mutual choice, but with a LOT of work to do.
Will we stick to it?

We are seeing that couple we've been referred to who counsel.
No vitamin spiel as yet.
We had some finding of facts.
I've been contemptuous, competitive and crushing.
Hub has been mean, sneaky and juvenile.

We kinda knew this.

But it feels strangely satisfying to have it confirmed by a third party, although IN TRUTH, we should both be ashamed of our respective and collective selves.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Sympatico / MSN Member Directory - Public Profile
This is my husband's MSN Messenger Public Profile.
He sent it to me.
So we can chat?
There is a website, too.
Gentle Reader, if you dare, check out the Fishin' Gals.
I won't even look.