Wednesday, March 17, 2004

TechTV | Spying on Spouses

Today is my day off. My back was sore after bathing a really large client - lots of far reaching. I got a letter from WCB telling me what to do if my injuries start acting up again, but I'm trying to stick to heat, rest and excercise.

Hubs has been working on my computer again, a laptop Compaq from the mid-90's, recently repaired. He has linked it to "Betsy" upstairs. This is so that I can access the printer and save my mail. However, I never requested these services. I think he wants to check me out because of the old love letters. Do you think he'll start spying on me? I didn't have to go to extraordinary lenghths to find out about HIM. Intelligence and persistance are my only tools.

Hubs has found a newly opened bakery, and brought home some goodies, cranberry lemon scones, along with a bunch of tulips. Nice red and gold in colour, I have them in a vase in the Living Room. Thank You, Husband.

Watching movies:
Save the Last Dance, about a white teen transfered from suburbia by a reversal of fortune into a black ghetto. A wannabe ballerina, she learns of Hip Hop from a black wannabe Dr.
It's a predictable formula movie, with some touches of grit. Evely Hart gets a reference. I enjoyed it mostly for the footwork. I wish I could do that! The music lyrics made me ashamed for youth culture.

The Shipping News Okay, I broke down and rented it again. Nothing like the book-on-tape. Really well done, though. I wanted the book, but couldn't find it in the library among the paperback disposa-books, nor was a hard cover copy checked in.

Richard III This is the newer movie, set in the British 30's. The dark side of Gandalf. Machiavelli would be impressed, but he stressed that a "prince" should reign longer if loved. However, he added that if one couln't be loved, one should be sure to be feared. Exactly!

I am thinking about doing a study of letters: Letters from Home, Love Letters, Letters from Away. I am thinking about writing a book of my letters, like the Griffin and Sabine books.

Stamps are up to 49 cents each where I live, PLUS tax. I've got a whole armful of letters from when it was 17 cents to mail a letter. Do you think letter-writing will die if it becomes too expensive? There is talk of charging for email too, as a way to kill spam.
The internet and the information highway used to be free. Should it remain so? I always felt it should. Information should not be a have-have not area.
Just as with free public education, we need to keep free access to public information.
For everybody.
Sure, this makes us vulnerable in some ways, but the alternative is 1984, is Brave New World, is Fahrenheit 451.

Think. -IBM

Monday, March 15, 2004

This is an article about the Glycemic Index Diet. It argues that eating foods that take longer to break down into sugar will help people to lose weight.

Sounds about right to me. Look at the lists. The "green light" foods are high in fiber, too.

I have been losing weight by a similar od, careful food choices. I think of it as Food as Medicine. Since I made the decision to change my eating habits to counter GERD and flab, I have had slow but steady success with few lapses. I am still a sucker for sour cream chips! I am aiming for foods that build up my health and that digest well. I also supplement with vitamins and herbs and vitamin "X" - exercise. The result is that I am feeling and looking pretty good for a person of my age. Better than before! My other practise is to stop eating after supper. Nothing but herbal tea. This has helped me a lot, and when I blow it here, I pay for it on several levels.
So, I don't want to blow it!

I worked this weekend. I am finding the routine is tiring, PLUS hub had rented Mona Lisa Smile, and I stayed up laaate to watch it. Conciousness-raising among the young distaff elite in the 50's. But I am so grateful for the hours and the people are all sweethearts. The physiscal part used to be hard, but now it is much easier. I have made myself bold to talk to some of them about the things that really matter. I find myself praying all the time, alone and not alone. I try to brighten their days with small things which I hope mean something to them, and which convey my care for them. I hope they will have an ear to listen when I speak.

I made a Trekkie happy today - double feature: a book-on-tape PLUS a book. The tape was okay, but the book was really well written. It was fun to read, and really put a sparkle in the eyes of the client. I got it in a bag of Library book sale specials - $2 a bag for large print mysteries, histories and more.

Tomorrow I work all day, get the cheap rental videos and return library loans. Totally broke, ther is no cash for Toonie Tuesday chicken, an occasional treat. Did I mention the DVD featuring Diana Krall in Paris? I love Jazz. I was a member of our city's Jazz society back in the 70's. I saw Cleo Laine, live! What an ravishing, exotic voice. I wish I could sing with technical brilliance, wit and wonder. No-one has ever told me I do, but I still love to sing.

Yesterday I bought gas for the Toyota. Not even $20 in the bank, so I used my Mastercard. My Mcard has my photo & signature on it. Always impresses the cashier. The gas jockey washed ALL my windows, my hero! As good as a carwash to me. I gave him a buck, wished it could be more.

Supper is ready. Beef Bourgigionne.
Even if we are broke, we still eat well.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

This is an article on Unconditional Love.
Is it really Okay to love unconditionally? It's an attractive concept, to be loved no matter how grumpy or screwed up you can be, but does negative behaviour that you or I can control deserve to be rewarded with Unconditional Love?

Can you or I or anyone walking the earth today guarantee to be able to supply Unconditional Love, no matter what?

For most everybody, I can offer Unconditional Acceptance, even U. Forgiveness to someone who is remorseful, but I still find it a leap of faith to extend U. Love.

In fact, I face that I live with expectations on myself and others.

Expectations that are often disappointed, and I wonder if I am stupid or unspiritual to continue to bear them.


Saturday, March 13, 2004

Dr. Laura
Here is a link to Dr. Laura's website. I am listening to her tapes on the 10 stupid mistakes that men make to ruin their lives. I also took in her 10 stupid mistakes women and couples make tapes, and her tape on the Ten Commandments. She's funny. I am sure people wonder what I am doing laughing like a nut in the car. The truth can be funny, but it's still the truth.

I had coffee, or rather Blueberry Burst Herbal tea last night at Cafe Teatro with the two young women who had my family over for lunch without me two weeks ago.
It was nice to visit them and to listen to the story of their week, their hopes and dreams, and to tell them a little bit about myself. Hopefully they will remember not to omit me again
I told them about my spring cleaning, my Who I Am box, which I have begun to affectionately call my Obituary Box since the funeral earlier this week, and my love letters.

Is it wrong for a married lady to keep old love letters?

After all, I ran into one old beau four weeks ago at the Conservatory with Hub. I had the memory to recognize him, and to be suffused with a surge of mellow, fuzzy fondness, such as I might have for a really good friend, teacher, boss or colleague.
Rereading the card he sent me, I face that, long ago he was more than that to me. Do I need reminders of an affection from half a lifetime ago?

And there is the problem of the main old boyfriend who actually kept in touch with me several times over the years. The boy next to next door. A couple of years ago he phoned me again. He invited me to see him, which I was OK with, IF Hub could come. No, he said. Just you. No, I said, how about my house where you can meet my husband, three sons, dog and the neighbours? See me in my natural habitat? No, how about a neutral coffee place? Near my ahem, hotel? No! Did he read some men's article on bored housewives and/or old flames??
He also gave me his address and phone number, which has "somehow" disappeared, all for the best.

I wrote him a letter, though never sent like about 80% of my letters, about why I said no, which I gave to my husband to read so he would know my loving, loyal heart.

That's MY love letter to Hub.

Last night, I went out with Hub after I got back from the s. I had Ginger Peach tea (ugh! Too much bitter ginger and not enough peach, even with honey stirred in) and we talked. We found a byline in a community paper with the name of someone once connected to our house. Didn't expect to see his name again for some time, like 5 to 10 years, based on what we heard about him. But there's two sides to every story, and we never did hear his view.

I wonder what Dr. Laura would say?

Friday, March 12, 2004 | catalog

I did a Goggle search on the words "letters from old boyfriends", because that's what I am looking at today.
I am doing a spring cleaning, and I found my old Who I Am box, the report cards, resumes, portfolios of art and study, travel journals and the letters. Perfect obituary reference.
The best thing about the letters is the affirmation that you were once important enough to someone that they committed themselves to saying so in writing, and then actually addressed, stamped and mailed their missive.
Where are my correspondents now?
I hardly ever get letters anymore, 'cept email.
Cause and effect, eh - I don't write anyone anymore.
CERTAINLY not paramours.
I was just at a funeral for someone who lived so large it is incredible to me, still, to think that they are gone.
I used to live large, (well, larger that now), and I want to leave an impression on the world that my life was not always the pitiful struggle it is now.
I wrote poetry that made men love me, write to me and cry!
I made prize-winning works of art!
I was a published author!
I have been both fortune's favorite and fortune's fool.

Well, haven't we all?

My hubbie just asked what I was doing with all my old letters.
I told him that I even had old LOVE letters, even one from him.
He is reading that one now.
He use to call me Honeybuns.
How sweet.
And sticky.

Although I have only this one posted letter, I have something from him that none of my old flames ever gave me -for keeps.


Saturday, March 06, 2004

Theremin Vox - An Interview with Leon Theremin

Here is an article on Leon Theremin; scientist, inventor, musician, possible political prisoner.
My youngest son did a Science-Fair project on him and his wonderful electronic invention, the Theramin. Think of old sci-fi movies and that eerie "wooo...WOOO...WOOO!" sound effect. The Beach Boys used an Electro Theramin on their tune "Good Vibrations".

My oldest son is coming back home to live, unless he finds a job. His other job faded away while he was in India. He is a good worker and is sure to find something.

I said something on Thursday to one of the s who had my family over for lunch last Sunday without me. I couldn't say much, because tears were so near. I didn't want to weep - didn't want her to feel bad.

All I seem to do is work and recover from work. My shoulder is sore and my Physio has run out. Everyone seems too busy for me, and I am pretty lonely.

Last night was "date night", but Hubbo didn't want to go out to see Hidalgo, my pick. Instead we rented a funny French film about a born loser who finds the of his dreams, (reading Flaubert, of course) and must battle the forces of the universe during the Soccer Championship Cup game. It seems that all of France rolls up the sidewalks to watch the big game, and that any kind of abberant behaviour can be expected, especially .

Like the Grey Cup in Canada, but not as cold.

Check out the costume party and the suicidal woman. There's no one like the French when they lose their calme. I guess that's why Jerry Lewis went over so well with them.
The title of this movie is Gregoire Moulin versus Mankind

I cooked today for the upcoming week. Three lasagnes and a big pan of Canneloni. I also shopped for groceries. I chose many foods for their favorable glycemic content. I bought Evening Primrose oil for my health. I also found some discount bakery treats for Sunday breakfast and for my guys for lunches and to snack on.

Did I already write about either Pilates or Belly Dancing classes with my Mom?

Classes start in April.