Sunday, January 25, 2004

L'Or�al Paris USA

I love beautiful cosmetics in great-looking cases.
L'Oreal is one of my favorites.

Today my oldest son was commissioned at church for his mission trip to India, along with his team.
The main teacher, his wife and her brother will serve as chaperones for the three men and two women.

It is a stange sensation, sending out my nearly 19 year-old. It's both a tug and a surge to my heart.
I feel that he is very ripe for this, although he may not think so.

Friday, January 09, 2004

Dream Interpretation

Here, with an image of the painting "the Nightmare", is a page on dream interpretation.
I myself do not pretend my present recurrent dreams have any but obvious and personal meanings.

Welcome to

My heart is aching.
Every morning for the past several days I feel like someone has been sitting on my body all night long, like in the painting, "The Nightmare"
I am forced to hold so many poisonous secrets.
I am so tired from over-work, so depressed by our unchanging circumstances, that I don't think I can go on.
Mostly I am haunted by the truth about someone I love.
It's possible to forgive, but impossible to forget their secrets.
The images in my mind keep returning, destroying my sleep.
I keep falling asleep and waking to my own voice saying
"No more!"
"I've had enough!"

And it's true.
I don't want this anymore.
I have had enough.
How can I get relief?
Counselling, prayer, a decision to just live through it have had momentary success, but faded in their effectiveness.
The nightmares keep coming back.
I keep losing sleep.
I am filled with such loathing! For both myself and the fallen loved one.

Thursday, January 01, 2004

New Year's Day -- History, Traditions, and Customs

Happy New Year. I worked almost all the whole holiday. Hubster's sister and her daughter were staying with us, and I had my brothers and mother over on Christmas Eve.

Christmas was depressing. Hub gave me a cell phone I never asked for on an 18 month contract. $100 every four months for something I never asked for, on a credit card with a balance of $9,000. What I asked for was a crockpot and a foot spa. I asked him to take it back, which he did. However, he didn't give me anything else to replace it.

My youngest son told me about the mysterious gift he was making for me in woodshops. He got an A+ for it. At the last minute, he gave it to his Dad and gave me a few dollar-store candles.

My oldest son gave me a can of apple-cinnamon air freshener from 7-11 with the price tag still on.

My middle son did give me a welcome gift which reflected my interests and enjoyments. He gave me a CD of the lastest Vinyl Cafe stories and a Scrabble calender for 2004.

All I seem to do anymore is work.

Hubby stays home, bakes cookies and cooks supper. He's depressed that no-one has hired him yet. He hasn't added "House Husband" to his resume. We are comtemplating cutting off home internet and using free internet services elsewhere nearby. I am willing, but Hub says it would be inconveinient.

This is after discovering our youngest son has been Googling REALLY bad movie clips, even through our filters.

I think it's a little too conveinient.

I'm tired of being the hard hand in our home, but Hub is clearly backsliding in his financial and fatherly responsibilities, in my view.

How to make 2004 a better year?